Volunteer Page
The Annual Historic Bluffton Arts & Seafood Festival is nine days of exciting events and activities and therefore we have many, many volunteer opportunities.
We need over 100 volunteers, from joining a committee that will meet from May through October to assisting at one of the planned events throughout the week. Volunteer openings vary from a two hour shift commitment to a twenty plus hour for a commitment as a committee member.
We are always looking for new and energetic people to join us and greatly appreciate our volunteers who return each year. Becoming a volunteer is easy! Fill out the volunteer application on our website and you will be added to our database. The Volunteer Coordinator will call you to discuss your commitment opportunity and committees and schedules will be formed accordingly.
Some of the perks of being a volunteer include being a part of an ever-growing community festival that brings people together to celebrate the natural beauty of our river, the delicious seafood gathered from it, the rich history of our area, and the art that flourishes here. Also included, each volunteer receives a Historic Bluffton Arts & Seafood Festival T-Shirt and the opportunity to meet new people.
Gather your friends and family, spread the word, and help our festival grow!

Thank you to the Rotary Club of Bluffton for partnering with the Arts & Seafood Festival once again and helping create a wonderful community festival.
Special thanks also goes to the USCB Hospitality Management students and the Hilton Head – Bluffton Chamber Marketing Committee for donating their time to the festival efforts.